Being symbolically linked to the Age of Discoveries, the monastery still preserves most of its magnificent structures, including its 16th-century Cloister, the friars’ former Refectory, and the Library. Its very rich ornamentation derives from the exuberance typical of Manueline art. The monastery was also built to perpetuate the memory of Prince Henry the Navigator. Manuel I and donated to the monks of Saint Hieronymus so that they would pray for the King, and pay spiritual assistance to seafarers that left the shores of Lisbon in quest for the new world. The Monastery of the Hieronymites is a royal foundation that dates back to the late 15th century. Access here.This serial World Heritage property comprises the Monastery of the Hieronymites and the Tower of Belém, both known as the complex of Belém, located on the shore of the Tagus River at the entrance to the port of Lisbon. Access to article in full by clicking here.įarol Covid is a tool launched by the CoronaCidades platform with the objective of consolidating and crossing information from different databases, to show the public administrator where your municipality is on the contagion curve and warn about the risk of collapse in your health system. Lighthouse Covid's analyzes of Pará were highlighted in an article published by Jornal Nacional, on Rede Globo. The actions taken by the government will have a direct influence on the evolution of the numbers of the disease. The scenario in Pará indicates that the increase in the circulation of people between municipalities, without adequate prevention measures, can increase the circulation of the virus. States and municipalities need to take these and other data into account when defining what measures to adopt in response to the coronavirus. Lighthouse Covid considers a warning signal whenever the rate of contagion exceeds 1.2. However, in many cities in the interior of the state of Pará, the rate of contagion exceeds 2.1. In mid-June, the capital of Pará has a contagion rate of 0.8, which means that, on average, someone infected infects less than one person.

At a time when some municipalities in the state of Pará are considering resuming the circulation of intercity vehicles and boats, Farol Covid, a tool developed by the CoronaCidades platform, shows that the rate of contagion in the capital, Belém, has a tendency to slow down, but the interior worries.